Cheek Dimple
Cheek dimples are commonly considered an attractive feature. The procedure for creating a cheek dimple is actually quite simple and is usually performed as an outpatient procedure. During surgery, the skin in the cheek muscle are connected so that when the muscle contracts, it pulls the skin inwards to form a dimple in exactly the same way as a natural dimple.
Surgical Procedure
To create cheek dimples, a thin circle of the skin is removed from the inside of the cheek. This is done by cutting out a portion of the mucosa (inner cheek skin), the sub-mucosal fat and the cheek muscle using a punch biopsy instrument.
This area of the missing tissue is then stitched together using an absorbable suture. The stitch goes through the cheek muscle on one side of the circle of the missing tissue, then through the dermis layer of the skin and finally back through the cheek muscle on the other side of the circle. A surgical knot is tied, and a dimple is created even when not smiling
Within a week or two, when the suture is absorbed, the cheek will flatten out and the dimple will disappear when you’re not smiling. However, as scarring occurs inside the cheek, the muscle will connect to the skin creating a dimple when you smile.
This procedure can be performed on any kind of cheek. However, the best results are seen when the cheeks are most overly chubby. Larger dimples can be created using a bigger punch biopsy to remove a larger circle of tissue
1 - 3 HOURS
Pre Operative Care

Post Operative Care
You may return to normal activities straight after the procedure.
In the first few months you should regularly rinse your mouth with betadine oral antiseptic solution or bactidol (chlorhexidine) solution. The surgeon may prescribe antibiotics.
Risks and Complications
There is very little risk associated with this procedure. However, you will experience some swelling.